Earning wide reception among the young in the Visayas and Mindanao, Bisrock is a fairly recent cultural phenomenon. The style started around the 1980s, when Cebu's rock scene was beginning to be labeled as "Bisrock". During this time, a group of musicians from the University of San Carlos coined the local music scene as Bisrock in support of patriotism for the Cebuano music scene. However, this genre is debatable as Bisrock seems to be popular only in Cebu. As it is, the movement died down around 2009, as even Missing Filemon themselves distanced itself from the term "Bisrock."
Earning wide reception among the young in the Visayas and Mindanao, Bisrock is a fairly recent cultural phenomenon. The style started around the 1980s, when Cebu's rock scene was beginning to be labeled as "Bisrock". During this time, a group of musicians from the University of San Carlos coined the local music scene as Bisrock in support of patriotism for the Cebuano music scene. However, this genre is debatable as Bisrock seems to be popular only in Cebu. As it is, the movement died down around 2009, as even Missing Filemon themselves distanced itself from the term "Bisrock." |
AkopitoPamatí-on nátô ron ang sugilánon sa usa ka Iligánon, ang kaági ug kalingáwon átong pamináwon, apan di ninyo madúnggan akong hinisgutan, atô na lang basáhan áron masábtan ang akung gi pulúngan. .
ang akong gáray dílî ninyo ma sábtan :D English Version Blog @ akopito.wordpress.com Follow my Tumblr @ akopito.tumblr.com Akopito
Pinalanggà kung pinulúngan, atu ning ipalig'un, arun di ni mawala sa atung kaugalingon ug magamit pa ni sa atung kabatáang kaugmáun.
Ang Bisdak kaliwat isugun,
diì mag padáug, palanggaun iyaang pinulungan ug budaya, ug dili kalimtan iyáang kapanulundan, Ang binag'u na Bisdak naay pagtahod sa iyáang manga igsúun ug láin tawo.
atu ni isulud sa atung utuk alang sa palambuun sa atung binag'ung kataúhan. Ang atung katiguwángan:
July 2014